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Garlic might be famous for scaring away vampires, but can it be scary to smaller organisms as well? In this experiment we’ll make microbe food to see if garlic will prevent microbes for growing. Micro ...

Determine whether carpet placed on a lawn will kill lawn grass and weeds.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. ...

Determine whether the types of plants growing in a Pacific Northwest rainforest environment are influenced by the soil acidity.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of ...

Do plants sweat? Not quite, but they do lose water. Track down the missing mass in this experiment by learning how plants lose water to the air through transpiration.How much water can a plant lose th ...

We've heard that many animals are colorblind. We generally understand colorblind to meanthat you cannot see any colors. Can dogs only see in black and white, or can they see other colors too?Let'stest ...

Pine cones, fir cones, spruce cones: if you live in a cool climate, you’ll see these seed-bearing structures all over the parks and the roads.Why do trees make cones? They’re the places where trees ma ...

What tiny organism is a great chef’s assistant? It’s yeast. And what does yeast eat? You may already know that yeast has a voracious appetite for sugar. This yeast lab pits yeast against powerful anti ...

Sow bug, pill bug, woodlouse, potato bug: these little crustaceans have many names and live in many different places, from forests to gardens to the grass beside your sidewalk. In this experiment, des ...

Does your grass like to have a top hat, or does it turn a little yellow at the thought? Are you in the dark about what plants need to grow well? Add and subtract light from your lawn and see if the gr ...